Selfie Saturday
I figured that it would be nice for me to have one day where I can talk about anything that's going on in my life; like update you anything fun.
○ Second Year of Uni
I have recently just finished my second year of university, although it means I have the whole summer now to enjoy myself I don't feel like I can. All the stress and anxiety of the fact that this time next year I will have hopefully graduated is hitting me. Career paths need to be chosen and for someone extremely indecisive it's a very hard thing that I have to sort out and get in control of.
○ Blogging
I used to 'blog' on and off for the past 4 years, never stuck to it regularly the way that I am doing so now. I have decided to throw all my energy and time into blogging as it's something productive to invest time in, who knows where it could lead. I enjoy sharing tips and reviewing products all the good stuff that comes with blogging even if not a lot of people read them. Of course I want as many people to view the posts I put a lot of time and effort into planning, but it's not a huge deal for me I am content with the people that do choose to read my blog.
○ Healthy Lifestyle Changes
I used to be on this health kick a while back but as the workload started to build up my motivation to keep on track started to deteriorate. Now I am ready and in the right frame of mind to start again and make sure that I don't lose sight of why I want to do this. A healthy diet and frequent exercise have been happening and what will continue to do so; hopefully I'll be able to inspire someone to do the same.