Motivation Blues


'I'll start on Monday', that's the lie I tell myself when it comes to working out and jumping on the fitspo bandwagon. So I figured I'd do this on a Sunday that way I'm one step ahead. Today I'll be talking about different ways to get motivated. I know personally I will be really into going to the gym and eating super clean but after a while, I lose motivation and the slightest thing can take me off track. These are different things I will do in order to get myself back on track.

○ Old Photos
I'll find myself thinking back to the last time I went to the gym and weeks, some cases months will have passed by. Times like that I'd look at old photographs of myself. This motivates me because I realise how far I've dropped down and what I need to do to get back to it. I think of what I used to do at that time; what foods I'd eat, how often I exercised, what I did, how much I slept and try to recreate all that. 

○ Moodboard
Whether you decide to do is the old fashion way or creating a mood board on Pinterest this is a great way to motivate you. Seeing all these different images will make you want to 'look the same' and will hopefully make you want to work out even more. I'll usually have images off Tumblr, Instagram etc. and look at them when I feel unmotivated.

○ Sports Luxe 
Having cute workout clothes will help more than you realise; you'll be more willing to dress up and get on the move. You'll feel better when you look better in the gym. For me, I like to keep my clothes minimalistic but I LOVE to buy new basics to change into every time, its kind of a bad habit. A cool pair of trainers (or two) also help in the motivation department.

○ Fun Food
Make healthy recipes fun. Do this by trying different things, researching different recipes. Try adding a type of vegetable that you've never thought of putting in a smooth and see how it goes. The key is to enjoy playing with creating new and healthy foods. through my research of healthier foods, I discovered quinoa and it's now my favourite thing to make. It can be incorporated in salads, a substitute for rice there's endless things you can do with it. So do some research and discover new exciting foods and recipes. I'm going to be doing fun healthy (and sometimes indulgent) recipes to help you with this.  

○ Why
Remember why you started all of this; be it to lose weight or just lead a healthier life. Remember that this isn't just a fad diet its a lifestyle and embrace it. You'll reap what you sow, so put your hardest into anything you do to get the results you desire. Just always always always remind yourself of why you began and that itself should be enough motivation for you.

I really do hope that this has helped you in some way because I know myself how hard it is to get back up and feel motivated after such a long time.


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