beginner abs


Once you build up your core strength the benefits will also translate into your daily life as well as into your sports performance. Your posture is also improved because once the core is strengthened it corrects bad posture by evenly distributing weight. This reduces the wear and tear on your spine. There are many other benefits such as better breathing, slimmer waistline and prevention of lower back pain. 

Here is a routine I used to do myself when I first started getting into working out regularly. This balanced with cardio and a good healthy diet should help you see positive results. 

○ Flutter Kicks
I like to do this to warm up my legs and lower abs, it prepares your muscles for the other exercises you're going to do. 15 reps x 2 sets

○ Leg Raises (drops)
Leg raises will work the lower abs, an area which is often neglected when working out. Building up the lower abs will strengthen the lower back also which means reducing injury. 15 reps x 2 sets

○ Russian Twists
Brilliant workout; focuses on a few different muscles including inner and outer obliques. It's great for toning and slimming the waist. 15 reps x 2 sets

○ Crunches
Like everything else spoken about here crunches work the core; predominately the upper abs. Brilliant workout, but so easy to do it wrong. Make sure you have mastered the technique before increasing the sets. 15 reps x 2 sets

○ Squats
Even though this is an abs workout, you should always do squats. ALWAYS. Brilliant for lifting your bottom; this move will tone the glutes and a number of different muscles. It's worth researching into the benefits of squats. It's good to see how the workouts you're doing will affect your body. 30 reps x 2 sets 

○ Plank
To round everything off, finish with a plank. This is great for the abs and you wind down. Try to do a minimum of 1 minute and only go increasing every time you do it. It takes hard work to improve at the plank as you're using your whole body. Also, check out the Elsa gif!!!!!


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