people are not disposable


It's taken me a while to figure out how to actually word the topic which I am going to talk about. This is because it's something that I am extremely passionate about, and it is that people are not disposable. I myself have been the 'victim' of this far too often, people I have greatly cared for have cut me off from their lives for whatever reason which can not truly be justified. 

I can probably count all the people that have treated me as disposable on both of my hands, it's a hurtful thing to go through relationship or friendship wise. When you cut someone off so easily it makes them question everything prior to that moment. Was everything so wrong the whole time, have you both basically been living this lie. Sounds very dramatic, but once you are on the receiving end of this matter then it hurts instantly. If you have cut someone off unfairly then maybe once your stubbornness and anger dies out however long that may take you will realise the damage that you once caused. You might have stopped talking to your best (female) friend because your new girlfriend now suspects that there's something more than friendship going on and that relationship could be going great for you. However, one day you will undoubtedly think back and realise I shouldn't have done that to someone who had always been there for me. 

Friendships and relationships both require so much love and effort and compromise. Building these relationships is so rewarding but maintaining them and understanding that everyone has a place in your life and heart takes more time. If you find yourself in an argument with a loved one and they are so willing to end that friendship/relationship with no hesitation then take a step back. If you have tried your hardest to make things right and the other person does not reciprocate then you need to leave that situation behind. I think you should try your hardest, but do not become desperate for the friendship and love of someone who isn't worthy of you. Especially friendships that are years old, if someone is so happy with throwing that away then they never deserved it in the first place. 

We all deserve to be loved through the different relationships we have in our lives; friends, romantic interests, family we deserve to feel the love from all of those groups. We also need to know when to try harder with others to make them feel this love, and also we need to be aware of when enough is enough when someone does not give you love or even truly accept yours. The generation that we are in now, I myself am 20 so I'm right in the middle of this, is that it's much easier to delete and block someone on your device than to talk with them face to face about what the true issue is. Guaranteed, if those conversations where had face to face most of the time they could be resolved because most of the time they are extremely petty 'arguments'. 

My last thing to say is that you must know your worth, you need to stand up for yourself and love yourself first before you can love anyone else, and before anyone else can love you back. You need people in your life, and your heart will grow with amount of people you let it. Just because you get into a new relationship does not mean you need to get rid of friends to make space for someone, remember that everyone has a place in your life and heart and it's your job to make sure that everyone who has treated you right and loved you feels your love. People are not things you can pick up and throw away once you're done with them, they need love and friendship just the way you do.


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